Tesla To Accept Bitcoin! Cybertruck Anyone?

Today’s Edition is Brought to You by RugMeTrades – The Best Trade Signals Anywhere.

Its Friday! Let’s Finish The Week Off STRONG 💪 💥

  • 🚨Tesla To Accept Bitcoin! Cybertruck Anyone?
  • 📉September Is Always a Bad Month for Bitcoin
  • 📆 365 Days Since Ethereum The Merge!
  • 🚀Something Worth Looking Into💎

📊 Market Overview: 

BTC : $26,470.00

ETH : $1,622.48

BNB : $212.05

SOL : $19.06

Tesla To Accept Bitcoin Payments!

Bitcoin clean energy usage now exceeds 50%, Bloomberg reports.

Elon Musk previously said Tesla would once again accept Bitcoin payments when clean energy usage exceeds 50%.

If Tesla starts accepting $BTC, they will be setting an example for many other companies to start accepting $BTC as a payment form.

September Is Always Bad for Bitcoin 📉

It’s no secret that September has seen its share of price declines. We traders call it REKTEMBER. Let’s sort through the facts though – Traders can sometimes be superstitious 👻

1. Historical Trends:
Yes, historically, Bitcoin has had rough Septembers, but past performance isn’t gospel. Bitcoin’s price is influenced by a myriad of factors, not just the calendar. Patterns are something to watch, but not the whole story.

2. Diverse Influences:
Market sentiment, regulatory news, global events – they all play a part. A bad September can’t be blamed solely on the month of September itself. It’s like the age old question, “What came first: The chicken or the egg?”.

3. Risk Awareness:
Investors should be aware of potential risks in any month. Diversify your portfolio, stay informed, and don’t base decisions on historical patterns alone. Is the dump merely a self fulfilling prophecy?

4. Long-Term View:
If you’re a long-term Bitcoin holder, don’t sweat September slumps. Bitcoin has proven it’s resilience over time, bouncing back from drops. That’s your saving grace. If your portfolio is down… HOLD 🚀

5. Stay Informed:
Stay updated on crypto news and market trends. Knowledge is your best defense against uncertain times. In the world of cryptocurrency, every month can be unpredictable. Don’t let September spook you. Use common sense, stay informed, and remember that Bitcoins price action is filled with both challenges and opportunities.

📆 365 Days Since Ethereum the Merge!


It’s incredible to think that a year has passed since Ethereum underwent “the Merge.”

For those who might not be familiar, “The Merge” refers to the transition of Ethereum from a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This upgrade aimed to address some of the scalability and energy efficiency issues associated with PoW systems.

With PoS, Ethereum validators are chosen to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they “stake” as collateral. This change has the potential to make Ethereum more efficient, secure, and environmentally friendly.

Here are some stats since the merge ⏬️

→ 700K ETH issued 

→ 1M ETH burned 

→ 300K ETH net supply reduction 

Without the merge Ethereum would have consumed 0.2% of worldwide electricity. The supply decreased by -0.249%

Welcome to Manga AI

We are excited to introduce you guys to Manga AI,

A crypto currency project where creativity meets technology to revolutionize anime content creation.

Their platform blends AI and blockchain which are arguably two of the biggest breakthroughs in technology of this decade. The team is creating a unique space where creators and fans can explore, collaborate, and thrive. 

Their AI-powered platform will give users the freedom to bring their anime visions to life. From character designs to background art, you will be in control of every single detail. You will be able to earn manga points (rewards) for all arts generated by you, connect with fellow creators, enthusiasts, and industry professionals in an environment designed to foster collaboration and innovation. The team has been building out tools to streamline the production process, ensuring that your creations are visually captivating and emotionally resonant.

The Manga Token is set to go live soon and will be featuring some pretty solid utilities. Here are the two main utilities that have us excited.

1- Holders will be able to use Manga Tokens to mint exclusive Manga NFTs, securing ownership of anime art on the blockchain.

2- MANGA token holders  will have the opportunity to actively engage with the platform’s growth through staking.

Manga AI also extends an invitation to potential partners interested in exploring a special opportunity. Their partners will gain access to an exclusive package that enables them to create NFT and organize engaging contests within their communities.

Manga AI is in our opinion something worth looking into. With so much upside and a solid team, we believe that Manga AI could be a solid investment. It’s always important to always Do Your Own Research.

Here are all their relevant links.


For more information about Manga AI, please visit – http://mangaai.org/ 

Stay connected with Manga:

Telegram: https://t.me/mangaaiofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MangaAIOfficial

Manga AI Bot: https://t.me/Mangaai_bot

Medium: https://medium.com/@mangaaiofficial

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC98dpH15kY6izTkj22CWGXQ

Have an amazing Friday! It’s time to get serious about winning. 🚀 We will see you guys on Monday! Stay SAFU and stack Coins!