Elon: “Fiat Is A Scam.” Wen Bull Market?

Today’s edition is brought to you by RugMeTrades β€“ The Best Trading Signals In Crypto

Its Monday ! Let’s have the best week EVER πŸš€

  • πŸš€ Elon Musk Calls Fiat Currency A Scam.
  • πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China Could Warm Up To Crypto Through Hong Kong’s OTC Market
  • πŸš€ Coinbase Granted Full License In Singapore.
  • πŸ’° Is Uptober Gonna Print Millions This Year?

πŸš€ Elon Musk Calls Fiat Currency A Scam.

πŸš¨πŸ“Š Market Overview:Β πŸš€πŸ’°

BTC : $28018.78 πŸš€

ETH : $1687.75

BNB : $216.05

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China could warm up to crypto through Hong Kong’s OTC market.

Ah, China and cryptocurrencies – it’s like watching a complicated drama unfold. πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China has been playing hard to get with crypto for years, but now it seems they might be ready to change their tune through Hong Kong’s OTC (Over-the-Counter) market.

Now, let’s break this down.

China has had a rocky history with cryptocurrencies. They’ve banned crypto trading, then embraced blockchain technology, only to remind us that crypto exchanges were a big no-no. It’s like they’re in a “it’s complicated” status on Facebook.

But here’s the juicy part: Hong Kong, with its semi-autonomous status, has always been the wild card in this relationship. It’s like the friend who still talks to both parties after a messy breakup.

The OTC market in Hong Kong could be the secret rendezvous point for China and crypto. OTC trading happens off the main stage, away from prying eyes. It’s the place where people exchange cryptocurrencies without the fanfare of traditional exchanges.

So, what does this mean for China’s stance on crypto? Well, it’s like they’re sending mixed signals, but isn’t that just how complicated relationships work? One day they’re banning Bitcoin mining, and the next day they’re making heart-eyes at Hong Kong’s OTC market.

In the grand scheme of things, this move could be China’s way of dipping their toes back into the crypto waters without committing to a full-on relationship. They’re keeping their options open, and who can blame them? Crypto is a revolution that is threatening to any regime looking to maintain control over its populous.

πŸš€ Coinbase granted full license in Singapore.

Well, well, well, folks, hold onto your hats because something big just happened in the world of cryptocurrencies.

πŸš€ Coinbase, that trusty platform where you can buy, sell, and trade your digital treasures, has just been granted a full license in Singapore. Singapore, the land of efficiency and order, has opened its arms wide to this crypto giant.

Let’s break it down!

First things first, Coinbase has been given the green light, the golden ticket, the “full license” to operate in Singapore. It’s like being invited to the coolest party in town – and Coinbase didn’t even have to bring a dish to pass. (meanwhile it fighting for its life in America 🀑)

Now, why is this a big deal? Well, picture this: Coinbase was already in Singapore, but it was like they were tip-toeing around in the dark, trying not to wake up the regulatory monsters. But now, with a full license, they’re strutting their stuff and can begin to really roll out a suite of products and begin innovating again!

So, what does this mean for all you crypto enthusiasts out there? It means you can buy, sell, and trade your cryptocurrencies on Coinbase without any lingering doubts. No more worries about regulatory boogeymen coming to get you. (except the pesky KYC requirements keeping the “free world” from trading crypto πŸ˜…πŸ˜€)

Singapore has essentially said, “Come one, come all!” They’ve recognized that cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and Coinbase is the first one through the door.

Today’s edition was brought to you by RugMeTrades β€“ the best trades signals anywhere.

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Have an amazing Monday its time to get serious about winning. πŸš€ We will see you guys Wednesday! Stay SAFU